Ant and grasshopper moral story in english with pictures

Ant And Grasshopper

Once upon a time, in a meadow, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was hardworking and used to collect food during the summer to prepare for the winter. On the other hand, the grasshopper was lazy and spent his time singing and dancing, never bothering to gather food for the winter.

One day, when winter arrived, the grasshopper found himself without any food or shelter. He was cold, hungry, and helpless. The ant, on the other hand, was cozy and warm in his house, with plenty of food to last the winter.

The grasshopper went to the ant's house and asked for food and shelter. The ant asked him, "What did you do all summer while I was working hard to gather food for the winter?"

The grasshopper replied, "I was singing and dancing, having a good time."

The ant said, "Well, then, dance your way through the winter too," and refused to help him.

The grasshopper realized his mistake and regretted not working hard during the summer to prepare for the winter.

The moral of the story is that hard work and diligence are important for success and survival. The ant's hard work paid off during the winter, while the grasshopper's laziness led to his suffering. We should learn to be responsible and prepare for the future, even if it seems distant.

This story teaches us to work hard and plan for the future. It also reminds us that we should not waste our time and resources on frivolous activities but use them wisely to achieve our goals.

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