The greedy dog story in english with pictures

The Greedy Dog Story

Once upon a time, there was a dog who was always looking for food. One day, he found a bone on the road and picked it up with his mouth. The bone was juicy and meaty, and the dog was very happy. But he was also very greedy and did not want to share the bone with anyone.

As the dog was walking home with the bone in his mouth, he saw his reflection in a pond. The dog thought that there was another dog with a bigger bone in the pond. He became envious and decided to snatch the other dog's bone as well.

So, the greedy dog opened his mouth to bark at the other dog, and as he did so, the bone slipped out of his mouth and fell into the pond. The dog tried to get the bone back, but it was too deep, and he could not reach it.

The dog realized his mistake and felt very sad. He had lost his bone due to his own greediness and foolishness.

The moral of the story is that greediness can lead to loss and misfortune. The dog was so greedy that he lost his bone, which he could have enjoyed if he had been content with what he had. The story teaches us that we should be thankful for what we have and avoid being greedy, as it can lead to loss and unhappiness.

We should learn to be satisfied with what we have and appreciate the blessings we receive in life. It is essential to remember that greediness can never bring happiness, and it can only lead to disappointment and regret. So, let us all strive to be content and grateful for what we have, and avoid the trap of greediness.

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